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Code classes:


CGibShooter is a base class for gib-shooting entities.


Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Repeatable (Otherwise, entity removes itself after firing.)
  • 4: Fade out even when in player's view (Usually avoided because it breaks immersion.) (Not in FGD)

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Number of Gibs (m_iGibs) <integer>
Total number of gibs to shoot each time the entity should shoot.
Gib Velocity (m_flVelocity) <float>
Speed of the fired gibs.
Course Variance (m_flVariance) <float>
How much variance in the direction gibs are fired.
Gib Life (m_flGibLife) <float>
Time in seconds for gibs to live. This time will get randomly increased or decreased by up to 5% for each gib.
Physics/Simulate (Simulation) <choices>
How the gibs will be physically simulated.
  • 0: Point (very cheap)
  • 1: Physics
  • 2: Ragdoll
Delay between shots (delay) <float>
Delay (in seconds) between shooting each gib. If 0, all gibs shoot at once.
Gib Angles (Pitch Yaw Roll) (gibangles) <angle>
The orientation of the spawned gibs.
Max angular velocity (gibanglevelocity) <float>
How fast (degrees/sec) the gibs should spin. They will spin on the x and y axes between 10% and 100% of this speed.
Gib Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll) (angles) <angle>
The direction the gibs will fly.
Disable Shadows (Not in FGD) (nogibshadows) <boolean>
Set to 1 to disable render target shadows on gibs.
Lighting Origin (lightingorigin) <target_destination>
No effect.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Shoots the gibs.