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Code classes:

CSpatialEntity is a code class inherited only by env_ambient_light.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Lookup Falloff Start Distance (minfalloff) <float>
Within this range to the entity, the effect will be at full strength. Set to -1 to make the effect apply everywhere on the map.
Lookup Falloff End Distance (maxfalloff) <float>
Maximum distance from the entity that the effect is applied. At this distance, the effect is barely apparent but will strengthen as the viewer approaches the Start Distance.
Maximum Weight (maxweight) <float>
How strongly the effect can apply. Minimum 0.0, maximum 1.0.
Lookup Fade In Duration (fadeInDuration) <float>
When the entity becomes Enabled, how long the effect takes to fade in.
Lookup Fade out Duration (fadeOutDuration) <float>
When the entity becomes Disabled, how long the effect takes to fade out.
Start Disabled (StartDisabled) <boolean>
Stay inactive until Enabled.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

SetFadeInDuration <float>
Sets Lookup Fade In Duration.
SetFadeOutDuration <float>
Sets Lookup Fade out Duration.
Makes the entity active.
Makes the entity inactive.