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Code classes:

Shadow control.png

env_cascade_light is a point entity present in Csgo-small.pngCounter-Strike: Global Offensive. It creates realistic sunlight with extra-sharp shadows.

Note: Csgo-small.pngThere's not much purpose in placing one in the map; if none are placed in Hammer, one will automatically get spawned by the game (it will be named cascadelight). The entity does not function at all without a light_environment, which it will take color and angle settings from, no matter what its own settings are.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Max Shadow Distance (maxshadowdistance) <float>
At what distance the cascade light stops drawing and fades to light from light_environment.
Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles) <angle>
No effect. Always taken from light_environment.
Light Color (color) <color255>
No effect. Always taken from light_environment.
Use light_environment's angles (uselightenvangles) <boolean>
No effect. Always true.
Start Disabled (StartDisabled) <boolean>
Cannot be disabled.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

LightColor <color255>
Changes the color of the light. Models will be lit with the color given, and shadows on lightmapped surfaces will be colored the inverse color near their edges.
SetAngles <angle>
Seems to not do anything.
LightColorScale <float>
Seems to not do anything.
Cannot be disabled.
Cannot be disabled.