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Code classes:

env_entity_dissolver is a point entity present in all Source games. It can remove a CBaseAnimating entity from the map after a few built-in effects. If the target is an NPC, it will be killed. The target entity's mass is set to zero, it turns black and then (depending on what the Dissolve Type is set to) emits random light particles with a few lightning effects.

Bug: If this entity kills a player, the death might be credited to the first player that joined the server.

Bug: Dissolving a prop_weighted_cube using this entity will not fire its OnFizzled output. Use the Dissolve input instead.

To do: L4d2-small.pngDissolve effects are missing a texture from Hl2.png. What is it?

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Target to Dissolve (target) <target_destination>
Targetname of the entity to dissolve.
Magnitude (magnitude) <integer>
If Dissolve Type is Core effect, how strongly to push things away from this entity.
Dissolve Type (dissolvetype) <choices>
Effects to be generated when something is dissolved. Note: P2.png the fizzler effect will always be used regardless of this setting. In Csgo-small.png dissolved objects fade to a dark blue then fade away. 3 makes the target dissolve faster in both games.
  • 0: Energy
  • 1: Heavy electrical
  • 2: Light electrical
  • 3: Core effect

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Dissolve <target_destination>
Dissolves the Target to Dissolve, or any other entity specified in the parameter.

See Also[edit | edit source]