FL flags

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These effects are mainly used for players it seems but they can be used on any entity. These can all be assigned with the flags(Not in FGD) attribute. Apply these similar to how you apply spawnflags.

To do: Setting most of these in Hammer will break the entity? Why?

  • 1: FL_FLY - "Changes the SV_Movestep() behavior to not need to be on ground". Setting this makes many entities invisible but still responsive. Brush entities will also be non-solid.
  • 2: FL_SWIM - "Changes the SV_Movestep() behavior to not need to be on ground (but stay in water)".
  • 4: FL_CONVEYOR - To do: ?
  • 8: FL_CLIENT - Tells the game that this entity is a player, which causes a number of things to occur such as kill crediting. To do: Test more in multiplayer?
  • 16: FL_INWATER - To do: Tell an entity it's underwater? Needs more testing.
  • 32: FL_MONSTER - Tells the game this entity is an NPC.
  • 64: FL_GODMODE - Entity takes no damage.
  • 128: FL_NOTARGET - NPCs don't care about this NPC.
  • 256: FL_SKIPLOCALHOST - Server does not send data about this entity to players. Instead, player systems will handle it all on their own. Good in multiplayer for unimportant objects as it cuts down on internet bandwidth used.
  • 512: FL_ONGROUND - Entity is on the ground
  • 1024: FL_PARTIALGROUND - Seems to be unused.
  • 2048: FL_WATERJUMP - Set when player is jumping at surface of water.
  • 4096: FL_FROZEN - Freezes player?
  • 8192: FL_FAKECLIENT - "fake client, simulated server side; don't send network messages to them".[Clarify]
  • 16384: FL_DUCKING - Player only. Player is crouching.
  • 32768: FL_FLOAT - Pushables only. Tells them to float when in water.
  • 65536: FL_GRAPHED - "worldgraph has this ent listed as something that blocks a connection".
  • 131072: FL_IMMUNE_WATER - Seems to be unused.
  • 262144: FL_IMMUNE_SLIME - Seems to be unused.
  • 524288: FL_IMMUNE_LAVA - Seems to be unused.
  • 1048576: FL_PROXY - "Spectator proxy"[Clarify]
  • 2097152: FL_ALWAYSTHINK - Seems to be unused.
  • 4194304: FL_BASEVELOCITY - "Base velocity has been applied this frame (used to convert base velocity into momentum)"[Clarify]
  • 8388608: FL_MONSTERCLIP - NPCs with the MonsterClip flag checked will consider this entity to be blocking their path.
  • 16777216: FL_ONTRAIN - Player is controlling a train (special HUD will display). Disables movement by walking.
  • 33554432: FL_WORLDBRUSH - Tells a brush entity it's part of the world instead?[Confirm]
  • 67108864: FL_SPECTATOR - This player is a spectator.
  • 134217728: FL_CUSTOMENTITY - Tells the game this entity is custom? To do: ?
  • 268435456: FL_KILLME - "This entity is marked for death -- This allows the engine to kill ents at the appropriate time".[Clarify]
  • 536870912: FL_DORMANT - Tells the entity to stop updating.