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Code classes:

func_button_timed is a brush entity present in both L4d.pngL4d2-small.pngLeft 4 Dead games. It's a button that must be held down for a period of time.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Use Time (use_time) <integer>
The amount of time the button must be held for.
Use String (use_string) <string>
Text that will appear to the presser.
Auto-Disable On Time Up (auto_disable) <boolean>
Makes the button automatically disable itself once the timer is up.
Use Sub-String (use_sub_string) <string> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Text that will appear under Use String.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Makes the entity active.
Makes the entity inactive.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when the player halts the button-pressing before the timer completes.
Fires when the player has finally held down the button for long enough.