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Code classes:

func_noportal_volume is a brush entity present in both P1.pngP2.pngPortal games. It prevents portals from intersecting with it. When a portal gun shoots on a surface in this volume, it acts as if that surface is unportalable, just like any metal surface would be. A portal gun can fire portals out of this entity while inside it. If a portal is fired near the edge of the volume, it will appear if possible, but it will be moved so that it does not touch the volume, similar to a func_portal_bumper. The entity should protrude at least two units from the surface.

Bug: This entity uses its bounding box (yellow box in Hammer) for its "collisions" against portals. Concave volumes need to be multiple entities.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Start inactive

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Turns on blocking functionality.
Turns off blocking functionality.
If on, turn off. If off, turn on.