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Code classes:

func_portalled is a brush entity present in P2.pngPortal 2. It detects when portals are placed inside it, and when players go through those portals.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Player (FireOnPlayer) <boolean>
Fires outputs when a player crosses through the portals. Note: Players are the only crossing objects this entity detects, so there's no reason for this to ever be set to No.
Fire On Departure (FireOnDeparture) <boolean>
Fires outputs when leaving the volume through a portal or when going through a set of portals which are both inside the volume.
Fire On Arrival (FireOnArrival) <boolean>
Fires outputs when entering the volume through a portal or when going through a set of portals which are both inside the volume.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when a player crosses through a portal.
Fires when a player crosses through a portal. (Same as OnEntityPrePortalled.)