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This entity is not in the stock FGD files by default.
See below for instructions on making it available.

P2 futbol.png

Code classes:

hot_potato is a point entity present in P2.pngPortal 2. It's a ball that can explode on contact with other objects. Very similar to prop_exploding_futbol, but this entity can be held.

Bug: Not affected by fizzlers.

FGD Code[edit | edit source]

@PointClass base(prop_physics) studio("models/props/futbol.mdl") = hot_potato : "Ball that can explode on contact with other objects."

[ ExplodeOnTouch(boolean) : "Explode on Touch" : 1 : "Ball will explode when it touches something solid." ShouldRespawn(boolean) : "Should Respawn" : 1 : "If the ball explodes, it will respawn at a hot_potato_spawner if this is set to Yes." SpawnerName(target_destination) : "Spawner Name" : : "If the ball should respawn, the name of a hot_potato_spawner which should spawn a new ball." input Explode(void) : "Makes the ball explode." input Dissolve(void) : "Fizzles the ball. A new one will not automatically spawn."


Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Explode on Touch (ExplodeOnTouch) <boolean>
Ball will explode when it touches something solid.
Should Respawn (ShouldRespawn) <boolean>
If the ball explodes, it will respawn at a hot_potato_spawner if this is set to Yes.
Spawner Name (SpawnerName) <target_destination>
If the ball should respawn, the name of a hot_potato_spawner which should spawn a new ball.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Makes the ball explode.
Fizzles the ball. A new one will not automatically spawn.

See Also[edit | edit source]