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CMapInfo is a code class in some Source games. It sets some properties of the map.

Important: L4d.pngL4d2-small.png all items except weapon upgrades will spawn 100% of the time if there is no safehouse or part of the nav mesh marked with RESCUE_VEHICLE.


  • info_map_parameters

ConVars/Commands[edit | edit source]

ConVar/CommandParameters or default valueParameter TypeEffect
director_solve_item_density<number desired>Integer(only available in L4d.pngL4d2-small.png) Tells what number to put in Hammer based off how many of an item you want there to be in the map. The math is wrong but the command is still useful: use it and remember the number it gives for square 100 yards, then divide the desired number of items by the area, and put that in Hammer.
director_scavenge_item_override00 disables, 1 enables(only available in L4d.pngL4d2-small.png) Makes the game wait until the UpdateCvars input is sent to use the appropriate item densities. There is no reason to use this. Using this may cause item densities to be incorrect in other campaigns depending on how the next map is loaded! Automatically set to 1 when UpdateCvars is fired.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Counter-Strike keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Teams that can buy (buying) <choices>
Who is allowed to buy weapons, etc. Can also be controlled by not making one or both func_buyzones.
  • 0: Everyone
  • 1: Only Counter-Terrorists
  • 2: Only Terrorists
  • 3: Nobody
C4 Explosion Radius (bombradius) <float>
Radius of the C4's explosion. This number gets multiplied by roughly 4 in Css.png and 3.5 in Csgo-small.png. Default value here is 500. Maximum 2048.
Pet Population (petpopulation) <integer> (only available in Csgo-small.png)
How many chickens should be in the map before they stop spawning.
Use Normal Spawns in Deathmatch? (usenormalspawnsfordm) <boolean> (only available in Csgo-small.png)
Set to true if the map should use info_player_counterterrorist and info_player_terrorist instead of info_deathmatch_spawn in deathmatch.
Disable Autogenerated DM Spawns? (disableautogenerateddmspawns) <boolean> (only available in Csgo-small.png)
If false, the game will create its own info_deathmatch_spawns which are used alongside ones placed in Hammer.
Bot max vision distance (botmaxvisiondistance) <float> (only available in Csgo-small.png)
Sets the maximum distance bots can see enemies. Default is -1, meaning unlimited.

Left 4 Dead keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Pain Pill density (PainPillDensity) <float>
Pain Pill and First Aid Kit density per sq 100 yards.
Molotov density (MolotovDensity) <float>
Molotov density per sq 100 yards.
Pipe Bomb density (PipeBombDensity) <float>
Pipe Bomb density per sq 100 yards.
Pistol density (PistolDensity) <float>
Pistol density per sq 100 yards.
Weapon density (WeaponDensity) <float> (only available in L4d.png)
Weapon (non-pistol) density per sq 100 yards.
Gas Can density (GasCanDensity) <float>
Gas Can density per sq 100 yards.
Oxygen Tank density (OxygenTankDensity) <float>
Oxygen Tank density per sq 100 yards.
Propane Tank density (PropaneTankDensity) <float>
Propane Tank density per sq 100 yards.
Ammo pile density (AmmoDensity) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Ammo pile density per sq 100 yards.
Melee Weapon density (MeleeWeaponDensity) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Melee Weapon density per sq 100 yards.
Adrenaline density (AdrenalineDensity) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Adrenaline density per sq 100 yards.
Defibrillator density (DefibrillatorDensity) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Defibrillator density per sq 100 yards.
Boomer Bile density (VomitJarDensity) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Boomer Bile density per sq 100 yards.
Ammo upgrade density (UpgradepackDensity) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Ammo upgrade density per sq 100 yards.
Super Weapon density (ChainsawDensity) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Chainsaw and M60 density per sq 100 yards.
Magnum Pistol Spawn density (MagnumDensity) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Density for weapon_pistol_magnum_spawn entities, -1 to spawn all.
Configurable Weapon Spawn density (ConfigurableWeaponDensity) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Density for weapon_spawn entities, -1 to spawn all.
Configurable Weapon Cluster Range (ConfigurableWeaponClusterRange) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
weapon_spawns that are this close to each other are considered a single 'cluster', and will always be the same tier and not the same weapon.
Item Cluster Range (ItemClusterRange) <float>
Scavenge items of the same kind that are this close to each other are considered a single 'cluster' and will always spawn or not spawn together. Always 50; not changeable.
Finale Item Cluster Count (FinaleItemClusterCount) <integer>
"How many clusters of items will be populated in the finale."[Clarify]

Inputs[edit | edit source]

FireWinCondition <integer> (only available in Css.pngCsgo-small.png)
Makes the round end. Parameter is the reason the round is ending.
Value Css.png Csgo-small.png
0 Bomb Detonated -
1 VIP Escaped Terrorists win
2 VIP Assassinated -
3 Terrorists Escaped -
4 CTs Prevented Escape -
5 Escaping Terrorists Neutralized CTs win
6 Bomb Defused -
7 Terrorists Eliminated Bomb Defused
8 CTs Eliminated -
9 Round Draw -
10 All Hostages Rescued Round Draw
11 Bombing Failed CTs win, unusual delay?
12 Rescue Failed -
13 Terrorist Escape Failed -
14 VIP Escape Failed -
15 Game Commencing -
16 No Reason, Terrorists win Match Starting. Warmup begins.
17 - CTs win because Ts surrender

This will end the whole map!

18 - Ts win because CTs surrender

This will end the whole map!

19 - Terrorists win, no voiceline
20 - -
21 - Terrorists win, Danger Zone 1st place icon
22 - Round Draw, Danger Zone 1st place icon
UpdateCvars  (only available in L4d.pngL4d2-small.png)
Use not encouraged, can cause item densities to be incorrect in other campaigns depending on how the next map is loaded!