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Portal gel.png

Code classes:

info_paint_sprayer is a point entity present in P2.pngPortal 2. It emits gel in a stream.

Note: To use gel, the map needs to have Paint in Map set to True in worldspawn. Maps that do not use gel can save significant resources by avoiding touching gel textures and code.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Start Active? (start_active) <boolean>
Paint Type (PaintType) <choices>
Which gel type to spray.
  • 0: Bounce
  • 1: Reflect (previously Stick)
  • 2: Speed
  • 3: Portal
  • 4: Erase
Blobs per second (blobs_per_second) <float>
How many blobs to emit in one second.
Max number of blobs (maxblobcount) <integer>
Maximum number of blobs which may come from this sprayer. If the sprayer reaches this limit, it temporarily stops.
Ambient Sound (AmbientSound) <choices>
Sound to make when spraying gel.
  • 0: None (silent)
  • 1: Drip
  • 2: Medium Flow
  • 3: Heavy Flow
Min blob speed (min_speed) <float>
Minimum speed blobs can come out at.
Max blob speed (max_speed) <float>
Maximum speed blobs can come out at.
Blob spread radius (blob_spread_radius) <float>
Radius of a sphere around the entity in which the spawning positions of blobs can vary. Helps blobs look realistic.
Blob spread angle (blob_spread_angle) <float>
How many degrees from Pitch Yaw Roll that blobs can vary their path.
Blob streak percentage (blob_streak_percentage) <float>
What percentage of blobs will streak across brushes they hit at under a 45 degree angle.
Blob min streak time (min_streak_time) <float>
Minimum time that blobs will streak for.
Blob max streak time (max_streak_time) <float>
Maximum time that blobs will streak for.
Blob min streak speed dampen (min_streak_speed_dampen) <float>
Minimum amount of speed reduction to apply to streaking blobs.
Blob max streak speed dampen (max_streak_speed_dampen) <float>
Maximum amount of speed reduction to apply to streaking blobs.
Silent? (silent) <boolean>
Stops all sounds and visual effects and simply puts gel onto surfaces when the blobs hit something.
DrawOnly? (DrawOnly) <boolean>
Stops sounds and prevents gel from actually applying to anything, so only the rendered blobs come from the sprayer.
Render Mode (RenderMode) <choices>
How to render blobs.
  • 0: Blobulator
  • 1: Fast Sphere (blobs don't morph together)
Light Position Name (light_position_name) <target_destination>
No effect. The paintblob shader is not lit using light from the world in any capacity.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Makes the sprayer start spraying gel.
Makes the sprayer stop spraying gel.
ChangePaintType <integer>
Sets Paint Type. Bug: Does not change color of midair blobs!

See Also[edit | edit source]