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Code classes:

infodecal is a point entity present in all Source games. It adds a texture such as a sign, stain, or bullet hole onto any surface. Place them with Hammer's Hammer decal tool.pngdecal tool ( Shift+D).

Bug: In Hammer, decals may look like they're applied to the brush a displacement came from. They will work fine in-game though, provided that they're close to the actual displacement face.

Note: The entity will apply the decal then remove itself if it does not have a targetname. If it does, it will wait for the Activate input.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Texture (texture) <decal>
The texture to apply.
Low Priority (can be replaced) (LowPriority) <boolean>
Sets if this decal can be deleted for performance reasons if the map has a lot of decals in it.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Applies the decal, then removes the infodecal entity.

See Also[edit | edit source]