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Code classes:

logic_playmovie is a point entity present in all games since Asw.pngAlien Swarm. It plays a .bik video from the media/ folder. Used in parts of P2.png to play SFM videos ingame.

Bug: Crashes the engine in Csgo-small.png.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Movie to play (MovieFilename) <string>
A file in the media/ folder including the .bik extension.
Allow User to Skip (allowskip) <boolean>
Allows the player to skip the video using keys such as Space or Esc.
Loop Video (loopvideo) <boolean> (available in all games since P2.png)
Loops the video. Only applies when using PlayLevelTransitionMovie.
Fade In Time (fadeintime) <float> (available in all games since P2.png)
Video will fade in from black over this many seconds. Only applies when using PlayLevelTransitionMovie.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Plays the video. Bug: Asw.pngHUD becomes broken if the !activator is not a player.
__MovieFinished (Not in FGD)
Automatically sent to the entity when the video finishes or is skipped. Fires the OnPlaybackFinished output.
PlayMovieForAllPlayers  (available in all games since P2.png)
Plays the video to both players in coop.
PlayLevelTransitionMovie  (available in all games since P2.png)
Plays the video over the loading screen. Send this input at the very end of the map. Does not take a parameter like the FGD says.
FadeAllMovies  (available in all games since P2.png)
Fades the movie to black then stops it.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when the video finishes or is skipped.