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npc_citizen is a point entity present in the Hl2.pngHalf-Life 2 series. The downtrodden citizens of City 17. Timid when unarmed, they will rise up against their Combine oppressors when given a weapon.

Tip: To make citizens not greet the player upon seeing them, use an ai_speechfilter.

Hl2 citizens.png

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 65536: Follow player on spawn
  • 131072: Medic
  • 262144: Random Head - Gives the citizen a random head. If the male/female flags are not checked, the head will be completely random.
  • 524288: Ammo Resupplier
  • 1048576: Not Commandable - Citizen will not listen to player commands or join their squad, and ignores them for the most part.
  • 2097152: Don't use Speech Semaphore - Use Don't Use Speech Semaphore (DontUseSpeechSemaphore) from CAI_BaseActor.
  • 4194304: Random male head
  • 8388608: Random female head
  • 16777216: Use RenderBox in ActBusies - Makes the NPC's hull as big as its rendering box when used in actbusies to keep things away from it.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Ammo to Resupply (if spawnflag set) (ammosupply) <choices>
If Ammo Resupplier is set, which type of ammo to give.
Amount of ammo to give (ammoamount) <integer>
How much ammo to give.
Type (citizentype) <choices>
Clothing of the citizen.
  • 0: Default - Sets type to refugee if the map name includes canals, town, or coast and rebel if the name includes c17. Otherwise, sets the type to downtrodden.
  • 1: Downtrodden - Clean blue suit.
  • 2: Refugee - Dirty, raggier clothing.
  • 3: Rebel - Full resistance getup and combat gear.
  • 4: Unique - Set a particular model with Model.
Expression Type (expressiontype) <choices>
Facial expression when not overridden by anything else.
  • 0: Random
  • 1: Scared
  • 2: Normal
  • 3: Angry
Fire output when Nav is blocked? (notifynavfailblocked) <boolean>
Allows the OnNavFailBlocked output to fire when it's supposed to. No reason not to enable this.
Permanent squad member? (neverleaveplayersquad) <choices>
A permanent squad member cannot leave the player's squad unless killed or explicitly removed by entity I/O. Only use this if you're sure you want to override the default AI.
  • 0: No, give up if can't get within 600 units of player and maintain LOS after 20 seconds of trying.
  • 1: Yes, stay forever.
Deny command speech concept (denycommandconcept) <string> (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
If you want your citizens to squad with the player but not obey commands the player gives to move the squad, put a concept here and this citizen will speak the concept instead of obeying the order.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Removes the citizen from the player squad and adds them back to their previous one, if they had one.
Tells the citizen to wander around aimlessly.
Tells the citizen to stop wandering around.
Unchecks Not Commandable.
Checks the Medic flag. Does not change the citizen's appearance.
Unchecks the Medic flag. Does not change the citizen's appearance.
Checks the Ammo Resupplier flag.
Unchecks the Ammo Resupplier flag.
SpeakIdleResponse (Not in FGD)
If the NPC has nothing better to do, say a random TLK_ANSWER line.
ThrowHealthKit (Not in FGD)  (only available in Hl2.pngEpisodicP1.png)
Launches a healthkit in the player's direction with no built-in animation or delay. Looks awful.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when the citizen joins the player squad.
Fires when the citizen leaves the player squad (including when left by dying).
Fires when the citizen is commanded by the player to follow them.
Fires when the citizen is told to go somewhere by the player.
Fires when the citizen gets Used.
Fires when the citizen is unable to real their goal.