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Code classes:

point_push is a point entity present in all games except Csgo-small.pngCounter-Strike: Global Offensive. It pushes things away from a point in space.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Test LOS before pushing - Entity makes sure it has a line of sight to objects before pushing them.
  • 2: Use angles for push direction - Entities get pushed in the direction of Pitch Yaw Roll instead of away from the entity.
  • 4: No falloff (constant push at any distance) - Push force does not weaken as distance increases.
  • 8: Push players
  • 16: Push physics objects

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Start Enabled (enabled) <boolean>
Start enabled?
Magnitude (magnitude) <float>
How strongly to push away from the center. Negative values will pull objects in.
Radius (radius) <float>
Radius to affect items in.
Inner radius (inner_radius) <float>
When using Test LOS before pushing, the LOS must intersect a point in this sphere around the entity. If 0, it must intersect the entity origin.
Cone of Influence (influence_cone) <float> (available in all games since L4d2-small.png)
If non-zero, objects must be within a cone of this many degrees, centered around Pitch Yaw Roll, to be pushed.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Makes the entity active.
Makes the entity inactive.