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Code classes:

prop_hallucination is a point entity present in all games since Asw.pngAlien Swarm. It's a prop that disappears after being seen for a period of time. Only works correctly in Asw.png.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Enabled Chance (EnabledChance) <float>
Percentage chance the prop will start visible. 100 means always visible.
Visible Time (VisibleTime) <float>
How long the prop should stay visible for.
Recharge Time (RechargeTime) <float>
How long it should take the prop to reappear.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

SetVisibleTime <float>
Sets Visible Time.
SetRechargeTime <float>
Sets Recharge Time.
Makes the entity active.
Makes the entity inactive.