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Code classes:

sunlight_shadow_control is a point entity present in all games since Asw.pngAlien Swarm. It's a texture-based light that follows the player. Broken in Asw.png because it follows the player entity instead of the asw_marine.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Light Color (color) <color255>
Color and brightness of the light. Note: The default brightness of 1 is quite dim. Try putting it in the thousands if the light doesn't show up.
Color Transition Time (colortransitiontime) <float>
When using the LightColor input, how long it takes to fade to the new color.
Distance (distance) <float>
How far away the light source should be simulated to be. Larger numbers give a more orthographic projection.
FOV (fov) <float>
How wide the lit area is. Bigger numbers mean a larger area is projected onto.
NearZ Distance (nearz) <float>
To do: No effect seen?
North Offset (northoffset) <float>
Moves the origin of the projection this many units forward in the direction of Yaw.
Texture Name (texturename) <material>
The texture to project.
Enable Shadows (enableshadows) <boolean>
Enables/disables shadows from this light.
Start Disabled (StartDisabled) <boolean>
Stay inactive until Enabled.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

LightColor <color255>
Sets Light Color. Fades between the old and new color over the time specified by Color Transition Time.
SetAngles <angle>
Sets Pitch Yaw Roll.
SetDistance <float>
Sets Distance.
SetFOV <float>
Sets FOV.
SetNearZDistance <float>
Sets NearZ Distance.
SetNorthOffset <float>
Sets North Offset.
SetTexture <material>
Sets Texture Name.
EnableShadows <boolean>
Sets Enable Shadows.
Makes the entity active.
Makes the entity inactive.