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Code classes:


trigger_weapon_dissolve is a brush entity present in the Hl2.pngHalf-Life 2 series and P2.pngPortal 2. It dissolves weapons. It saves weapons with the Classname (classname) weapon_physcannon until the end. A gravity gun will only get dissolved if it's the last thing in the trigger, at which point it will become supercharged.

Bug: Weapons are only detected if they're dropped via trigger_weapon_strip.

Bug: The entity is not designed for reuse and will break if it gets used more than once.

Bug: If a weapon is picked up at the right time, it may be unusable or a lightning beam may follow the player's feet.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Emitter Name (emittername) <target_destination>
One or more entities to originate zapping effects from. Required, otherwise the lightning effect comes from the map origin. Weapons are dissolved by the emitter entity closest to them. Note: Effect used in P2.png does not have any beam, so this can be left blank.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

To do: Supposed to stop electrical sounds, but doesn't?

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when a weapon is dissolved.
Fires when a gravity gun becomes charged.