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Code classes:

vgui_neurotoxin_countdown is a point entity present in both P1.pngP2.pngPortal games. It's a screen used to count down the player's remaining time until they die from neurotoxin. It doesn't actually kill them; that's done by hurting the player through something like trigger_hurt and coloring the view with env_fade.

Note: In P1.png the timer must be started by using the startneurotoxins command.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Panel width (width) <float>
Width of the panel.
Panel height (height) <float>
Height of the panel.
Countdown time (countdown) <float> (only available in P2.png)
How many seconds are on the timer. In P1.png the time is always 180. If changed with AddOutput, the timer will reset to the given time.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Shows the screen.
Hides the screen. In P2.png the timer is paused while hidden.