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Present in:
P2.pngPortal 2

Code classes:

ai_goal_actbusy_queue is a point entity present in some Source games. It can do anything that an ai_goal_actbusy can do, except this entity is designed to order actbusy hints and NPCs in a queue. The queue can be moved forward, and when the first NPC in the queue leaves, it can be given orders. This entity was used for lines in Hl2.pngd1_trainstation_01 and 02.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Exit Node (node_exit) <target_destination>
An info_target the NPC at the front of the queue should head to when leaving. This MUST be specified.
Node 1 (node01) to Node 20 (node20) <target_destination>
Used for defining the path of the queue, with info_node_hints. Node 1 is the front of the queue. The number of defined nodes defines the maximum number of NPCs queuing.
Must Reach Front (mustreachfront) <boolean>
If true, an NPC must strictly be at Node 1 before being able to leave the queue.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Moves all NPCs in the queue up one position, and sends the front NPC to the Exit Node.
PlayerStartedBlocking <integer>
Tell the queue manager that the player has started blocking a specified point in the queue.
PlayerStoppedBlocking <integer>
Tell the queue manager that the player has stopped blocking a specified point in the queue.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

OnQueueMoved <integer>
Fired when the queue moves up. Automatically puts the number of NPCs remaining in the queue as the input parameter, unless overridden by the mapper.
OnNPCLeftQueue <string>
Fired when an NPC begins going to the Exit Node. Automatically puts the targetname of the NPC as the input parameter, unless overridden by the mapper.
OnNPCStartedLeavingQueue <string>
Fired when an NPC is at Node 1. Automatically puts the targetname of the NPC as the input parameter, unless overridden by the mapper.