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You might be looking for the level design term "Arena".

In Tf2.pngArena, one team wins by killing everyone on the other team, or capping the control point.

Setting up[edit | edit source]

  1. Add a team_control_point_master.
  2. Place a prop_dynamic where you want the point to be. Set the World Model to models/props_gameplay/cap_point_base.mdl and name it anything (this tutorial will call it prop_cap).
  3. Put a team_control_point above the prop_dynamic. Give it a name (this tutorial will call it cap_holo) and set the Print Name to #Arena_cap (this is a special string, for compatibility in all languages). Set the Start with model hidden flag, cause it should only appear once the point is open.
  4. Create a brush to represent the capture zone and tie it to trigger_capture_area. Set Control point to the name of your team_control_point. Give it these outputs:
My OutputTarget EntityTarget InputParameterDelayOnly Once
  1. Add tf_logic_arena. This tells the game it's in arena mode, so it does things like disable respawning and add the first blood crits. Set Capture Point Enable Time to whatever you want. Valve does 60 seconds. Finally, add this output:
My OutputTarget EntityTarget InputParameterDelayOnly Once

Design & Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

  • Arena attempts to focus purely on combat. The inclusion of the control point is meant purely as a method of keeping players from turning the round into a game of hide and seek. The capture time should be long enough that other players have a chance to run over to the point and fight. Capping outside of these parameters is typically viewed as annoying or unfair and is regarded as one flaw of this mode.
  • Consider adding some func_nobuilds around the control point.
  • Maps are usually KOTH-sized or smaller.
  • Arena maps should have very few ammo and health pickups.
  • Your map name should start with arena_.