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Code classes:

CASW_Base_Spawner is a base class for all of Asw.png's alien spawnpoint entities.

ConVars/Commands[edit | edit source]

ConVar/CommandParameters or default valueParameter TypeEffect
asw_debug_spawners00 disables, 1 enablesShows spawner debug info.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 2: Don't spawn Uber aliens here - Not used inside code.
  • 4: Spawned aliens never sleep[Clarify]

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Allow spawn if marines are near (SpawnIfMarinesAreNear) <boolean>
Prevent spawn if marines are this close (NearDistance) <float>
If Allow spawn if marines are near is set to Yes, the spawner will stop once marines are this close, in world units.
Alien Orders (AlienOrders) <choices>
Orders given to each alien spawned.
  • 0: Spread Then Hibernate
  • 1: Move To (travel to Alien Orders Target Name)
  • 2: Move To Ignoring Marines
  • 3: Move To Nearest Marine
  • 4: None (Not in FGD)
Alien Orders Target Name (AlienOrderTargetName) <target_destination>
Name of the target object for all "Move To" orders.
Name to give spawned aliens (AlienNameTag) <target_source>
All aliens spawned by this spawner will be given this targetname.
Start Burrowed (StartBurrowed) <boolean>
Should aliens start burrowed?
Unburrow Idle Activity (UnburrowIdleActivity) <string>
If alien starts burrowed, it will play this activity while waiting for the burrow point to be clear. To do: Example value...?
Unburrow Activity (UnburrowActivity) <string>
If alien starts burrowed, it will play this activity while unburrowing. To do: Example value...?
Check Spawn Point Is Clear (ClearCheck) <boolean>
To do: Description.
Long sight range (LongRange) <boolean>
Lets aliens see and sense enemies from twice as far away as normal.
Min Skill Level (MinSkillLevel) to Max Skill Level (MaxSkillLevel) <integer>
Minimum and maximum skills levels for this spawner. If the difficulty setting does not meet these requirements, the spawner will remain inactive.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Makes the entity active.
Makes the entity inactive.
If on, turn off. If off, turn on.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

OnSpawned <target_destination>
Fires when an alien is spawned. Activator is the alien. Automatically puts the alien's targetname as the input parameter, unless overridden by the mapper.