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asw_door is a point entity present in Asw.pngAlien Swarm. It is an Alien Swarm-style door, with capabilities such as welding and health.

Tip: For doors that may collapse, give players ample space to avoid being hit as it falls.

ConVars/Commands[edit | edit source]

ConVar/CommandParameters or default valueParameter TypeEffect
asw_door_drone_damage_scale2MultiplierScales the amount of damage done by aliens to doors.
asw_door_seal_damage_reduction0.6Decimal percentAmount to scale down the damage done by aliens to doors if the door is fully sealed. This should never go above 1.0.
asw_door_physics00 disables, 1 enablesWhen the door breaks it turns into a physics object as opposed to falling over via animation. It may work well when coupled with env_physexplosion, but in the normal setup, it causes the door to simply jostle for a moment and then stop responding.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Health (health) <integer>
How strong the door is. 0 means unbreakable. Confirm: The FGD states this doesn't work. Test it out.
Spawn Position (spawnpos) <choices>
Does this door begin open or closed?
  • 0: Closed
  • 1: Open
Slide Direction (slideangle) <angle>
The direction in which the door will slide open (relative to the door's local angles).
Literal value Direction
0 90 0 Left
0 -90 0 Right
Slide Distance (distance) <float>
The distance that the door should slide when opened.
Total Seal Time (totalsealtime) <float>
The number of seconds it takes to seal this door with the welder.
Current Seal Time (currentsealtime) <float>
How sealed this door currently is. Number should be between 0 and Total Seal Time.
Door Type (doortype) <choices>
How "strong" the door is (in a less literal sense than the Health keyvalue).
  • 0: Normal
  • 1: Reinforced (Twice the strength of normal doors.)
  • 2: Indestructible (Cannot be shot or bashed down by aliens.)
Damaged (dentamount) <choices>
Whether the door is already damaged or not.
  • 0: Undamaged
  • 1: Damaged
  • 2: Very damaged
  • 3: Damaged (Flipped)
  • 4: Very damaged (Flipped)
Clarify: Difference between flipped and non-flipped?
Shows on Scanner (showsonscanner) <boolean>
Whether this door will show a blip on the scanner.
Auto Open (autoopen) <boolean>
Whether this door should automatically open when something (human or alien) enters the door area.
Can Close To Weld (CanCloseToWeld) <boolean>
Can this door be manually shut, for the purpose of welding?
Do Cut Shout (DoCutShout) <boolean>
Should a marine shout out "cut this door!" if they encounter the door sealed, and another marine with a welder is nearby?
Do Breached Shout (DoBreachedShout) <boolean>
Should a nearby marine shout out "they've breached the door!" when aliens bash the door down?
Do Auto Shoot Shout (DoAutoShootChatter) <boolean>
If set, a marine will shout out "shoot it down!" when they approach the door. Use this for sealed doors that you expect the player to shoot their way through.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

No effect.
Sets Auto Open to Yes.
Sets Auto Open to No.
Creates a hint message telling players to weld the door.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when the door becomes fully welded.
Fires when the door becomes fully unwelded.
Fires when the door is knocked down.

See Also[edit | edit source]