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Code classes:

Asw order nearby aliens.png

asw_order_nearby_aliens is a point entity present in Asw.pngAlien Swarm. It tells aliens in a radius to do something. It can be used to simulate some advanced behaviors, like taking flank routes or retreating.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Order Radius (Radius) <float>
Range in world units inside which aliens will be ordered.
Alien Class (AlienClass) <choices>
Which type of alien to send orders to.
Alien Orders (AlienOrders) <choices>
Orders given to nearby aliens.
  • 0: Spread Then Hibernate
  • 1: Move To
  • 2: Move To Ignoring Marines
  • 3: Move To Nearest Marine
Alien Orders Target Name (AlienOrderTargetName) <target_destination>
Name of the target object for our orders (used by Move To orders).

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Orders the aliens.