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Asw queen.png

asw_queen is a point entity present in Asw.pngAlien Swarm. The queen is an unused alien that's meant to be a boss. It's extremely strong but fairly slow. Being a below-average navigator, the queen is equipped with tentacles that burrow through the ground to attack remotely, and she can shoot a volley of spit projectiles. The queen is also capable of spawning parasites on command.

ConVars/Commands[edit | edit source]

ConVar/CommandParameters or default valueParameter TypeEffect
asw_queen_health_easy2500Health amountHow much health the queen has on easy mode.
asw_queen_health_normal3500Health amountHow much health the queen has on normal mode.
asw_queen_health_hard5000Health amountHow much health the queen has on hard mode.
asw_queen_health_insane6000Health amountHow much health the queen has on insane and brutal modes.
asw_queen_slash_damage5Health amountHow much damage the slash attack does. The number will be affected by the difficulty level.
asw_queen_slash_size100Arbitrary numberSize of the damage zone created by the slash attack.
asw_queen_slash_debug00 disables, 1 enablesShows slash zone and prints attack info to the console.
asw_queen_slash_range200World unitsHow close targets must be to the queen, for the queen to attempt to slash at them.
asw_queen_min_mslash160World unitsHow close targets may be to the queen in order to make it do a slash attack while moving.
asw_queen_max_mslash350World unitsHow far away targets may be to the queen and still provoke it to do a slash attack while moving. Setting this number lower may help the queen with pathing around some obstacles.
asw_queen_spit_autoaim_angle10DegreesNormally the spit projectiles will move along set paths, but if the trajectory is within this angle from a target, the path will automatically adjust to hit them.
asw_queen_debug00 disables, 1 enablesDraws lines showing what retreat spot the queen is currently going to.
asw_queen_flame_flinch_chance0Percent decimalChances that the queen will flinch when damaged by fire. 0.50 means 50% of the time.
asw_queen_force_parasite_spawn00 disables, 1 enablesWhen set to 1, the queen will spawn a large number of parasites, then automatically set the convar back to 0.
asw_queen_force_spit00 disables, 1 enablesWhen set to 1, the queen will do her spit attack, then automatically set the convar back to 0.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 131072: Use Ground Checks - Do not use. This is unintentionally in the FGD entry for asw_queen because the entry was copied from npc_antlion.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Alert Radius (radius) <integer>
Do not use, for the same reasons as the Use Ground Checks flag.
Distance until eluded (eludedist) <integer>
Do not use, for the same reasons as the Use Ground Checks flag.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

OnSummonWave1 to OnSummonWave4
Fired once each of the queen's first four health bars are depleted. If an asw_queen_retreat_spot exists, these outputs will be delayed until the queen has retreated to it. These are apparently meant to correspond with the queen summoning waves of other aliens.
Fires when the queen dies. The asw_queen entity will never disappear though. It will stay there as a corpse.

See Also[edit | edit source]