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This entity is not in the stock FGD files by default.
See below for instructions on making it available.

Code classes:

Asw damageamp.png

asw_weapon_buff_grenade is a point entity present in Asw.pngAlien Swarm. Players standing in the effect radius of the X33 Damage Amplifier will deal double their normal damage amounts.

FGD Code[edit | edit source]

This code will let you place damage amps in the map. This is the only way it can be done, because the pickup entity for this weapon (asw_pickup_buff_grenade) actually spawns heal beacons.

@PointClass base(Weapon) studio("models/items/Mine/mine.mdl") = asw_weapon_buff_grenade : "Damage Amplifier"
    skin(integer) readonly : "Skin" : 1 : "Some models have multiple versions of their textures, called skins. Damage Amps should ALWAYS be using skin 1."

See Also[edit | edit source]