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CBaseFilter is a base class for a group of entities which can filter inputs, damage, etc. based on criteria such as the classname or targetname.


  • filter_base (Not in FGD) - Unable to actually filter anything. Either all entities pass or all entities fail.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Filter mode (Negated) <choices>
If set to Allow, only entities who match the criteria will pass the filter.
  • 0: Allow entities that match criteria
  • 1: Disallow entities that match criteria

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Tests if the !activator of this input meets the criteria, then and fires either OnPass or OnFail. Changing Filter mode will affect which output is fired.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when TestActivator is sent and the !activator is allowed by the criteria.
Fires when TestActivator is sent and the !activator is not allowed by the criteria.