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Code classes:

CBaseVPhysicsTrigger is a class available in all Source games. It uses the VPhysics system to touch entities. To do: As opposed to what system for CBaseTrigger, and to what effect?

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Clients (players) may trigger. (Not in Asw.png.)
  • 2: NPCs may trigger.
  • 2: Asw.pngMarines and Aliens may trigger.
  • 8: Physics Objects may trigger.
  • 16: Only player ally NPCs - NPCs must be player allies to trigger. Sets NPCs automatically.
  • 16: Asw.pngOnly marines may trigger.
  • 32: Only clients in vehicles - Players must be in vehicles to trigger. Sets Clients automatically. (Not in Asw.png.)
  • 64: Everything (not including physics debris) may trigger.
  • 512: Only clients not in vehicles may trigger. Sets Clients automatically. (Not in Asw.png.)
  • 1024: Physics debris may trigger. Debris objects are usually small and not solid to players.
  • 2048: Only NPCs in vehicles - NPCs must be in a vehicle to trigger.
  • 4096: Can move (through parenting)

Alien Swarm is able to detect players with the exact same flags used in HL2 because asw_marines actually are both player allies and npcs.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Filter Name (filtername) <filterclass>
A filter entity to test potential activators against.
Start Disabled (StartDisabled) <boolean>
Stay inactive until Enabled.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Makes the entity active.
Makes the entity inactive.
If on, turn off. If off, turn on.