Code classes:
(all ents)
is a code class in all Source games except .
- A brush entity that can block navmesh areas touching it so that bots will not attempt to go somewhere.
Important: The entity will not start to block automatically; it must first be activated with the BlockNav input.
Bug: In , when you make the
block the navigation squares touching it, you must send UnblockNav along with BlockNav, if the blocker resides on the same navigation square(s) as a prop_door_rotating
or func_physbox
and perhaps other entities. Failure to do so will create the console error Area ### already blocked by a different team id. May produce flow bugs
(and flow bugs do happen). The navigation square numbers can be seen in-game by pointing at the nav square with z_debug 1
and nav_edit 1
Note: func_nav_blocker
s that are compiled into entity groups are converted to the entity script_nav_blocker
Keyvalues[edit | edit source]
- Team(s) to block
- Which teams to block. Note:
Always affects both teams.
- Affects Flow?
(only available in)
- Set this if the blocker affects the general route of players through the entire map. Valve sets this for blockers on objects that change the player's path on a large scale, like the randomly-created fences in
Inputs[edit | edit source]
- BlockNav
- Starts blocking nav areas.
- UnblockNav
- Stops blocking nav areas.