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CNPC_Combine is a code class which was originally going to be inherited by multiple types of Combine soldiers.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 65536: Start LookOff - Confirm: If everyone in the squad has lost sight of the enemy, do not go to where they think the enemy is?

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Number of Grenades (NumGrenades) <integer>
How many grenades this soldier can throw. Any number may be entered.
Tactical Variant (tacticalvariant) <choices>
How to approach enemies.
  • 0: Normal Tactics
  • 1: Pressure the enemy (Keep advancing)
  • 2: Pressure until within 30ft, then normal
Pathfinding Variant (Not in FGD) (pathfindingvariant) <choices>
Only one option.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Unchecks Start LookOff.
Checks Start LookOff.
Tells the soldier to wander around aimlessly.
Bug: Will not work if the soldier isn't holding a weapon.
Tells the soldier to stop wandering around.
Assault <target_destination>
An assault_rallypoint to start assaulting.
HitByBugbait (Not in FGD)
Tells the soldier they got hit by bugbait. Automatically sent by npc_grenade_bugbait on contact.
ThrowGrenadeAtTarget <target_destination>
Throws a grenade at the specified entity. Elite soldiers will shoot an energy ball instead.