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Code classes:

CPointCamera is a code class in all Source games except L4d.pngL4d2-small.png.


  • point_camera - Multiple entities use this entity to show a view of the map from another place.

All of the following entities use point_camera:

Bug: In P2.png rendering issues can occur when portals are involved.

Fix: Turning the camera off and on may fix it.

Bug: Does not work in Tf2.png.

Bug: Csgo-small.pngPlayers are not rendered if they aren't visible to the viewing player after accounting for PVS, viewcone, and occlusion checks.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Start Off - Camera is not active immediately.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

FOV (FOV) <float>
How wide the camera's view is in degrees.
Resolution (Not in FGD) (resolution) <float>
No effect.
Screen Aspect Ratio (UseScreenAspectRatio) <boolean>
To do: Description.
Fog Enable (fogEnable) <boolean>
Enables fog in the camera view.
Fog Color (fogColor) <color255>
Fog Start (fogStart) <float>
Distance from the camera at which fog will start to fade in.
Fog End (fogEnd) <float>
Distance from the camera at which the fog is at full density.
Fog Max Density [0..1] (fogMaxDensity) <float>
How dense fog can be. 1.0 = full density (all pixels are the color of Fog Color beyond Fog End), 0.5 = half density.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

ChangeFOV <string>
Takes two numbers, first is what to change FOV to, and the second is how many seconds to spend shifting to the new FOV.
Turns this camera on, and turns all other point_cameras off.
Turns the camera on. (Does not affect the HUD camera in Asw.png.)
Turns the camera off. (Does not affect the HUD camera in Asw.png.)
Activate  (only available in Asw.png)
Makes this camera the one used by asw_stylincam.
Deactivate  (only available in Asw.png)
Shuts camera off on the HUD and any other objects in the map.

See Also[edit | edit source]