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This entity is not in the stock FGD files by default.
See below for instructions on making it available.

Code classes:

env_dusttrail is a point entity present in all Source games. It's an unused entity that continuously generates dust sprites. It's meant to be parented to something moving in order to make a trail.

FGD Code[edit | edit source]

@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = env_dusttrail : "An entity that continuously spawns dust sprites. Parent it to something in order to make a trail."

[ color(color255) : "Color" : "127 127 127" : "Dust color." opacity(float) : "Opacity" : "0.5" : "How transparent the dust is, on a scale from 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible)." emittime(float) : "Emitter Lifetime" : 0 : "How long to spread dust before stopping. 0 = never stop. This entity will not remove itself automatically once it stops emitting." lifetime(float) : "Particle Lifetime" : 5 : "How long a single dust sprite can stay around for." spawnrate(float) : "Spawn Rate" : 10 : "How many dust sprites to spawn per second." minspeed(float) : "Minimum Random Speed" : 2 : "Minimum speed dust sprites can move at in a random direction. They will lose speed over their lifetime." maxspeed(float) : "Maximum Random Speed" : 4 : "Maximum speed dust sprites can move at in a random direction." mindirectedspeed(float) : "Minimum Directed Speed" : 0 : "Minimum speed to apply to dust sprites, in the direction specified by Pitch Yaw Roll." maxdirectedspeed(float) : "Maximum Directed Speed" : 0 : "Maximum speed to apply to dust sprites, in the direction specified by Pitch Yaw Roll." startsize(float) : "Start size" : 35 : "Size of the dust sprites when they first spawn." endsize(float) : "End size" : 55 : "Side of the dust sprites when they get close to de-spawning." spawnradius(float) : "Spawn Radius" : 2 : "How far away from the entity the dust sprites can spawn at."


Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Color (color) <color255>
Dust color.
Opacity (opacity) <float>
How transparent the dust is, on a scale from 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
Emitter Lifetime (emittime) <float>
How long to spread dust before stopping. 0 = never stop. This entity will not remove itself automatically once it stops emitting.
Particle Lifetime (lifetime) <float>
How long a single dust sprite can stay around for.
Spawn Rate (spawnrate) <float>
How many dust sprites to spawn per second.
Minimum Random Speed (minspeed) <float>
Minimum speed dust sprites can move at in a random direction. They will lose speed over their lifetime.
Maximum Random Speed (maxspeed) <float>
Maximum speed dust sprites can move at in a random direction.
Minimum Directed Speed (mindirectedspeed) <float>
Minimum speed to apply to dust sprites, in the direction specified by Pitch Yaw Roll (angles).
Maximum Directed Speed (maxdirectedspeed) <float>
Maximum speed to apply to dust sprites, in the direction specified by Pitch Yaw Roll (angles).
Start size (startsize) <float>
Size of the dust sprites when they first spawn.
End size (endsize) <float>
Side of the dust sprites when they get close to de-spawning.
Spawn Radius (spawnradius) <float>
How far away from the entity the dust sprites can spawn at.

See Also[edit | edit source]