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This entity is not in the stock FGD files by default.
See below for instructions on making it available.

Code classes:

env_entity_freezing is a point entity present in all games since Asw.pngAlien Swarm. It can freeze NPCs, though entities in P2.png and Csgo-small.png don't react in any way, so it's only useful in Asw.png. The NPC will stop all bone-based animations (vertex animations still play) and attacks, and will gain an icy texture over itself.

FGD Code[edit | edit source]

@PointClass base(Targetname) = env_entity_freezing: "Entity Freezer"
	input Freeze(target_destination) : "Freezes the specified entity(s). If no target is passed it'll use the target specified in the target field."
	target(target_destination) : "Target(s) to Freeze" : "" : "Targetname of the entity(s) you want to freeze."
	frozen(float) : "Freeze Time" : "5" : "How long to freeze the entity."

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Target(s) to Freeze (target) <target_destination>
Targetname of the entity(s) you want to freeze.
Freeze Time (frozen) <float>
How long to freeze the entity.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Freeze <target_destination>
Freezes the specified entity(s). If no target is passed it'll use the target specified in Target(s) to Freeze.

See Also[edit | edit source]