
From Source Entities
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Code classes:

  • CEntityFlame
  • CEnvEntityIgniter (L4d2-small.pngAsw.pngP2.pngCsgo-small.png)
  • CBaseEntity (all ents)

CEntityFlame is a class that sets entities on fire.


In games before L4d2-small.png, both of these entity classnames function exactly the same. When the entity is told to ignite something, it will first check if the target is a CBaseCombatCharacter (because entities that inherit this class know how to catch on fire). If the target is not a combat character, another version of the entity is created which is attached to the target in order to hurt them. In L4d2-small.png onward, these two functions have been separated so that env_entity_igniter does the targeting, and entityflame does the damage.

Bug: Known to not work on some entities for unclear reasons. Note that any CBaseAnimating entity can be sent an Ignite input instead of using this entity.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Entity to ignite (target) <target_destination>
Entity or entities to ignite.
Lifetime in seconds (lifetime) <float>
How long the flames last.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Ignites the Entity to ignite.

See Also[edit | edit source]