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Code classes:

env_entity_maker is a point entity present in all Source games. It spawns a specified point_template template at the env_entity_maker's origin. It can be set to spawn automatically or through inputs.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Enable AutoSpawn - Spawn template whenever there's enough room to fit it, and the player is not looking.
  • 2: AutoSpawn: Wait for entity to be destroyed.
  • 4: AutoSpawn: Spawn even if the player is looking.
  • 8: ForceSpawn: Spawn only if there's enough room to fit the object.
  • 16: ForceSpawn: Spawn only if the player isn't looking.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Point_template To Spawn (EntityTemplate) <target_destination>
Name of the point_template to spawn here.
PostSpawn Movement Speed (PostSpawnSpeed) <float>
All entities spawned will move this many units per second in the direction of PostSpawn Movement Direction.
PostSpawn Movement Direction (PostSpawnDirection) <angle>
All entities spawned in the template will move in this direction.
PostSpawn Direction Variance (PostSpawnDirectionVariance) <float>
The PostSpawn Movement Direction may vary by this many degrees. This is a radius.
PostSpawn Inherit Angles (PostSpawnInheritAngles) <boolean>
If Yes, spawned entities will face in the same direction as the env_entity_maker's Parent. (As opposed to the direction of this env_entity_maker itself.)

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Spawns an instance of the template at this entity's origin and angles. See flags 8 and 16.
ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin <target_destination>
Spawns an instance of the template at the specified entity's origin and angles.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when an instance of the entity template has been spawned.
Fires when the template failed to spawn via ForceSpawn due to it not being able to fit properly or due to the player looking at the entity.

See Also[edit | edit source]