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Code classes:

env_instructor_hint is a point entity present in all games since L4d2-small.pngLeft 4 Dead 2. It is used to instruct the player to do some things, such as not shoot teammates. Refer to text files ending with _textures.txt inside the scripts/ folder for all icon options.

Note: Only one hint can be shown at a time, except in L4d2-small.png.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Replace Key (hint_replace_key) <string>
No effect.
Target Entity (hint_target) <target_destination>
The entity to show this hint on top of. The entity used must be one that is replicated on the client, or the hint will never show up. Use info_target to show the hint in empty space or at a specific location on another entity, and set its Always transmit to client flag. If not desired, see Positioning.
Timeout (hint_timeout) <integer>
How long the hint stays. 0 will persist until stopped with EndHint.
Display Limit (hint_display_limit) <integer> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Maximum number of times the hint can be displayed. 0 = infinite.
Onscreen Icon (hint_icon_onscreen) <choices>
The icon to use when the hint is within the player's view.
Offscreen Icon (hint_icon_offscreen) <choices>
The icon to use when the hint is outside the player's view.
Caption (hint_caption) <string>
The text of your hint. 100 character limit. This should match a # string in resource/valve_english.txt or a similar file if possible.
Caption Color (hint_color) <color255>
The color of the caption text.
Activator Caption (hint_activator_caption) <color255> (available in all games since Asw.png)
The color of the caption text, as seen by the !activator.
Icon Height Offset (hint_icon_offset) <float>
A height offset from the Target Entity's origin to display the hint.
Display Range (hint_range) <float>
The visible range of the hint. 0 will show it at any distance.
Size Pulsing (hint_pulseoption) <choices>
Speed for which the icon should grow and shrink, as a way to nag the player about the object.
  • 0: No Pulse
  • 1: Slow Pulse
  • 2: Fast Pulse
  • 3: Urgent Pulse
Alpha Pulsing (hint_alphaoption) <choices>
Speed for which icon will become more or less transparent.
  • 0: No Pulse
  • 1: Slow Pulse
  • 2: Fast Pulse
  • 3: Urgent Pulse
Shaking (hint_shakeoption) <choices>
How to make the icon shake.
  • 0: No Shaking
  • 1: Narrow Shake
  • 2: Wide Shake
Positioning (hint_static) <choices>
Either show at the position of the Target Entity, or show the hint directly on the HUD at a fixed position.
  • 0: Follow the Target Entity.
  • 1: Show on the HUD.
Show offscreen (hint_nooffscreen) <choices>
Shows an icon and arrow when the object is off-screen.
  • 0: Show
  • 1: Don't show
Force caption (hint_forcecaption) <choices>
Do we show the caption text even if the hint is occluded by (hidden behind) a wall?
  • 0: No
  • 1: Show when occluded
Lesson Name (hint_name) <string> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Hints with the same lesson name use a common base and are treated as instances the same "lesson type". (See Instance Type.)
Instance Type (hint_instance_type) <choices> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
How many instances of a single lesson type can be open or active at the same time.
  • 0: Multiple
  • 1: Single Open (Prevents new hints from opening.)
  • 2: Fixed Replace (Ends other hints when a new one is shown.)
  • 3: Single Active (Hides other hints when a new one is shown. Clarify: Difference?)
Suppress rest before moving (hint_suppress_rest) <boolean> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
"Suppress the initial icon display in center of screen?"[Clarify]
Bound Command (hint_binding) <string>
If using show key bindings for Onscreen Icon or Offscreen Icon, specify which command to show the key for e.g. jump will show space for the icon.
Allow invisible target (hint_allow_nodraw_target) <choices>
Do we allow the hint to follow entities with nodraw set? To do: Not referring to EF_NODRAW, so what is it talking about? Also, why would you want to disallow this when you could consciously make the decision of where the hint points yourself?
  • 0: End immediately on nodraw
  • 1: Yes
Show on First Sight (hint_auto_start) <boolean> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Once the player has LOS to the target, it will automatically show for them.
Only Local Player (hint_local_player_only) <boolean> (available in all games since Asw.png)
Shows the hint only to the first player to join/create the server.
Gamepad Bound Command (hint_gamepad_binding) <string> (available in all games since P2.png)
If using show key bindings setting for the Onscreen Icon or Offscreen Icon, this field should be the command we want to show bindings for, when the user is using a console/non-keyboard controller of some kind. To do: Example?

Inputs[edit | edit source]

ShowHint <target_destination>
Start showing this hint. If an entity targetname is passed as the parameter, the hint is shown only to that entity.
Important: L4d2-small.png hints triggered by this input are only visible to the !activator.
Stop showing the hint if it hasn't already timed out.

See Also[edit | edit source]