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Code classes:

env_smoketrail is a point entity present in all Source games. It creates a smoke trail. It's intended to be parented to something. The sprites will appear to fade away when the viewer is close to them.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Emitter Life Time (emittime) <float>
How long to emit sprites before stopping. This entity will not remove itself automatically once it stops emitting.
Particle Life Time (lifetime) <float>
How long a single sprite can stay around for.
Start Color (startcolor) <color255>
Starting color of the emitted sprites. Sprites will fade toward End Color.
End Color (endcolor) <color255>
Color sprites will be at the end of their lifetime.
Sprite Opacity (opacity) <float>
How transparent the sprites are, on a scale from 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully visible).
Spawn Rate (spawnrate) <float>
How many sprites to spawn per second.
Starting particle size (startsize) <float>
Starting size of the sprites. Sprites will grow/shrink toward Ending particle size.
Ending particle size (endsize) <float>
Size the sprites will be at the end of their lifetime.
Minimum Random Speed (minspeed) <float>
Minimum speed sprites can move at in a random direction. They will lose speed over their lifetime.
Maximum Random Speed (maxspeed) <float>
Maximum speed sprites can move at in a random direction.
Minimum Directed Speed (mindirectedspeed) <float>
Minimum speed to apply to sprites, in the direction specified by Pitch Yaw Roll.
Maximum Directed Speed (maxdirectedspeed) <float>
Maximum speed to apply to sprites, in the direction specified by Pitch Yaw Roll.
Spawn radius (spawnradius) <float>
How far away from the entity the sprites can spawn at.

See Also[edit | edit source]