
From Source Entities
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Normal particles (left) vs. heat wave particles (right)

Code classes:

CSteamJet is a code class in all Source games. It is used to create a jet of steam, or heat wave distortion.


  • env_steam
  • env_steamjet (Not in FGD) (Older GoldSrc name. No reason to use it.)

The entity appears as a cone in Hammer. The shape indicates the direction the emitter throws the particles.

Bug: In Asw.png, Color is always white when the map is compiled with VRAD.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Emissive - Uses the color value specified in Color. If not checked, color is automatically set to a dark grey. The steam color will also be affected by the lighting at the entity origin in both cases.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Initial State (InitialState) <choices>
Should the entity start emitting immediately?
  • 0: Off
  • 1: On
Particle Type (Type) <choices>
Steam effect type. See image above.
  • 0: Normal
  • 1: Heat Wave
Spread Speed (SpreadSpeed) <integer>
The amount of random spread in the particle direction after they spawn.
Speed (Speed) <integer>
The default speed at which the particles move after they spawn.
Particle start size (StartSize) <integer>
The initial size of the particles after they spawn.
Particle end size (EndSize) <integer>
The size of the particles at the point at which they are removed. To do: Really? Something isn't right, because increasing Length of steam jet allows the sprites to grow even bigger.
Emission rate (Rate) <integer>
The rate of particle emission. i.e. particles per second.
Length of steam jet (JetLength) <integer>
How far to shoot out particles. The length of the jet determines the lifetime of each particle.
Bug: Long jets of steam may suddenly disappear when the entity origin is not in the player's view.
How fast does the particles spin (RollSpeed) <float>
Particle roll speed.
Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
Steam color, only used if Emissive flag is set.
Translucency (renderamt) <integer>
How see-through the smoke is.
Start Sound (StartNoise) <sound> (only available in L4d.pngL4d2-small.png)
Sound to play when starting emission.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Turns the steam jet on.
Turns the steam jet off.
If on, turn off. If off, turn on.
JetLength <integer>
Sets Length of steam jet.
Rate <integer>
Does nothing.
Speed <integer>
Sets Speed.
SpreadSpeed <integer>
Sets Spread Speed.
Alpha (Not in FGD) <integer>
Sets Translucency.