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Code classes:

CFinaleTrigger is a code class in L4d.pngL4d2-small.png linked up to three classnames.


  • trigger_finale - A prop at the end of most L4D campaigns that causes the finale to begin. It is not required to use this entity for a finale to happen.
  • finale_trigger (Not in FGD) - Unused, worthless entity.
  • trigger_finale_dlc3 (only available in L4d.png) - Another entity from the same class that appears to operate slightly differently. This entity was used in the finale for The Sacrifice (referred to as DLC3). Functionally identical to trigger_finale with Is Sacrifice Finale set to Yes.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

World model (model) <studio>
Prop to appear as.
First Use Delay (FirstUseDelay) <float>
For two-part finale starts, delays this many seconds before allowing another +use input.
Use Delay (UseDelay) <float>
Starts the finale this many seconds after a +use input.
Finale Type (type) <choices>
Specifies which style of finale to trigger.
Script File (scriptfile) <string> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
To do: Description.
Versus Travel (VersusTravelCompletion) <float> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
How much of the versus score is attained through travel to the finale (not valid in gauntlet finale).
Is Sacrifice Finale (IsSacrificeFinale) <boolean> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
If true, one survivor has to be available to perform some action outside the escape vehicle.
Start Disabled (StartDisabled) <boolean>
Stay inactive until Enabled.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

FinaleEscapeStarted (Not in FGD)
Forces the FinaleEscapeStarted output to fire.
Unlocks the escape vehicle navigation mesh areas (RESCUE_VEHICLE), and makes survivors speak out that the vehicle has arrived.
Teleports the survivors to a set of info_survivor_position entities. Used to make the survivors stand still on the escape vehicle or hide them.
Gives the survivors a victory.
FinalePause (Not in FGD)
Forces the FinalePause output to fire.
FinaleLost (Not in FGD)
Forces the FinaleLost output to fire.
FinaleWon (Not in FGD)
Forces the FinaleWon output to fire.
Makes the finale start.
EnableEscapeSequence  (only available in L4d.png)
Lets the escape sequence happen at the proper time during the finale.
DisableEscapeSequence  (only available in L4d.png)
Blocks the escape sequence from happening (until re-enabled). Infected will still spawn.
Increments the finale stage.
DLC3FinaleWon  (only available in L4d.png)
Indicates the survivors have met the specific win conditions for the DLC3 finale.
DLC3FinaleLost  (only available in L4d.png)
Indicates the survivors have failed the specific conditions for the DLC3 finale.
DLC3FinaleEnableChaseTanks  (only available in L4d.png)
"Turns on the chase tanks for the escape sequence." Sent by the func_button_timed above the bridge in The Sacrifice.
DLC3FinaleLull (Not in FGD)  (only available in L4d.png)
No effect.
DLC3SacrificePlayerBeginsRun  (only available in L4d.png)
Confirm: Notifies this entity that the !activator player has committed to the sacrifice run.
ForceTankSpawn (Not in FGD)  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
No effect.
GauntletStopPanic  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Moves the gauntlet finale state out of the initial continuous panic mode. Advances to the tank stage the first time it is sent, and the escape sequence the second time.
SacrificeEscapeFailed  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Indicates the survivors failed the escape requirements.
SacrificeEscapeSucceeded  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Indicates the survivors met the escape requirements.
SacrificePlayerBeginsRun  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Confirm: Notifies this entity that the !activator player has committed to the sacrifice run.
Makes the entity active.
Makes the entity inactive.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when the survivors should start their escape (door opening, bridge lowering etc). Clarify: How is that determined?
Fires when the survivors win the finale.
Fires when the survivors lose the finale.
Fires when the entity is used for the first time only.
Fires when a player uses the entity to start the finale.
Fires when the finale starts.
Fires during the pause between each finale wave.
Fires when the escape vehicle starts to leave. Clarify: How does the game know when that occurs?
OnDLC3FinaleLull  (only available in L4d.png)
Fires when there is a break while waiting for the next generator to be started.[Clarify]