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Code classes:


fog_volume is a brush entity present in all games since L4d.pngLeft 4 Dead. It controls fog and other visual cinematic elements within its volume.

Tip: Typically when Valve uses this entity, they have a master version of their FX entities (use the Master flag) which is used for the outdoors effects, then only create fog_volumes for indoors areas.

Note: In Asw.png, the origin of a player is not used to decide which volume they're in, but rather a point roughly 512 units above them. Due to this, the brush has to be extended far up above the level.

Note: The entity uses its bounding box to detect players, meaning the trigger will always be in a cuboid shape regardless of how the brush(es) look.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Fog Name (FogName) <target_destination>
The name of the env_fog_controller to activate when this entity is touched.
Postprocess Name (PostProcessName) <target_destination>
The name of the postprocess_controller to activate when this entity is touched.
ColorCorrection Name (ColorCorrectionName) <target_destination>
The name of the color_correction to activate when this entity is touched.
Start Disabled (StartDisabled) <boolean>
Stay inactive until Enabled.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Makes the entity active.
Makes the entity inactive.

See Also[edit | edit source]