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A func_smokevolume creates a mist effect in Hl2.pngd1_eli_01. One is also used in the airlock.

Code classes:


func_smokevolume is a brush entity present in all Source games. It spawns sprites within its volume. Commonly used for large, localized areas of fog.

Warning: func_smokevolumes should not intersect with func_precipitations, as it can freeze the game. The exact cause of this is not clear.

Note: Drawing large numbers of transparent sprites can be expensive.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Blend Colors

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Particle Color1 (R G B) (Color1) <color255>
Color 1. If Blend Colors is checked, sprites can be blends between these two colors. If not, they will either be one or the other.
Particle Color2 (R G B) (Color2) <color255>
Color 2. If Blend Colors is checked, sprites can be blends between these two colors. If not, they will either be one or the other.
Material (material) <material>
What the sprites will appear as.
Particle Draw Width (ParticleDrawWidth) <float>
Size of the sprites.
Particle Spacing Distance (ParticleSpacingDistance) <float>
The distance between the particles inside the volume. The lower the number, the denser the particles, and the more overdraw (drawing a pixel multiple times) there will be.
Density Ramp Speed (DensityRampSpeed) <float>
How quickly the Density changes.
Rotation Speed (RotationSpeed) <float>
The speed that the particles should rotate, in degrees per second.
Movement Speed (MovementSpeed) <float>
The speed that the particles should move around, in units per second.
Density (Density) <float>
Sprite transparency. Ranges from 0.0 (fully invisible, does not render at all) to 1.0.
Max Draw Distance (MaxDrawDistance) <float> (available in all games since L4d.png)
How far away the player can be from any part of the brush while still rendering the sprites. 0 means any distance.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

SetRotationSpeed <float>
Sets Rotation Speed.
SetMovementSpeed <float>
Sets Movement Speed.
SetDensity <float>
Sets Density.