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Code classes:


game_zone_player is a brush entity present in all Source games. It fires outputs depending on if any players are inside or outside its volume.

Bug: This entity detects spectating players. This is because it directly looks at if a player entity is inside it, with no regard for the Touch() function that regular triggers use.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Tells the entity to count how many players are inside it, then fires the outputs which should fire.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires once for every player found in the zone when the input is sent. !activator is that player.
Fires once for every player found outside the zone when the input is sent. !activator is that player.
PlayersInCount <integer>
Fires when the CountPlayersInZone input is sent. Automatically puts the number of players inside the zone as the input parameter, unless overridden by the mapper.
PlayersOutCount <integer>
Fires when the CountPlayersInZone input is sent. Automatically puts the number of players outside the zone as the input parameter, unless overridden by the mapper.