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Code classes:

CHotPotatoCatcher is a code class in P2.png.


  • hot_potato_catcher (Not in FGD) - Invisible entity which can hold hot_potatos.
  • hot_potato_socket (Not in FGD) - Sometimes-visible entity which can hold hot_potatos. Plays a short jingle when a ball is caught. Tries to load a non-existent model (models/props/futbol_socket.mdl), but only when the map is played in co-op.

FGD Code[edit | edit source]

@PointClass studio("models/editor/axis_helper_thick.mdl") base(Targetname,Parentname) = hot_potato_catcher : "Invisible entity which can hold hot_potatos."

[ output OnHotPotatoCaught(void) : "Fires when a ball is caught or a new one spawned in it." output OnHotPotatoReleased(void) : "Fires when a ball is grabbed from the catcher." ]

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when a ball is caught or a new one spawned in it.
Fires when a ball is grabbed from the catcher.