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Code classes:

info_director is a point entity present in both L4d.pngL4d2-small.pngLeft 4 Dead games. The director is a vital part of Left 4 Dead's gameplay. It handles the majority of infected spawning and tries to keep dull moments to a minimum, just like a real movie.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Tells the director an event of some sort happened which should attract infected.
PanicEventControlled <integer> (only available in L4d.png)
Causes a panic event with a specific intensity. 1 is less intense, 2 is more intense. In L4d2-small.png use ScriptedPanicEvent.
Teleports each survivor to an unoccupied info_survivor_position and freezes them there. Often used at the very start of a campaign to makes survivors stay in place for the camera movement.
Lets survivors move freely again.
FireConceptToAny <string>
Gives a speech concept to any survivor that is capable of speaking it.
Used for intro sequences. Players are immune to damage, and no infected mobs or special infected may be spawned.
Tells the game the intro sequence is over. Players will take damage as normal, and mobs/special infected may spawn once all players leave their starting area.
"Can be used to enable the tank frustration meter."[Clarify]
"Can be used to disable the tank frustration meter."[Clarify]
ScriptedPanicEvent <string> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Runs a scripted panic event.
ForcePanicEvent  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Trigger a panic event, "no matter what else is going on".
EndCustomScriptedStage  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
"End a custom scripted stage."[Clarify]
IncrementTeamScore  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
No effect.
BeginScript <string> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Runs a director script.
EndScript  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Ends all director scripts.
CreateNewJournal <string> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
"Creates a new journal."[Clarify]
WriteToJournal <string> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
"Adds a task to the I/O Journal."[Clarify]
ExecuteJournal <string> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
"Executes all tasks in the specified journal."[Clarify]

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when initial players have spawned in.
Fires when a panic event is finished.
OnCustomPanicStageFinished  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Fires when each stage of a custom panic event or custom finale finishes.
OnTeamScored  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Fires when a player places a scavenge item in the scavenge goal.
OnScavengeRoundStart  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Fires when a scavenge game starts.
OnScavengeOvertimeStart  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Fires when the scavenge timer has run out and game went into overtime.
OnScavengeOvertimeCancel  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Fires if time gets added to the clock, ending overtime.
OnScavengeTimerExpired  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Fires when the scavenge timer has run out and game did not go to overtime.
OnScavengeIntensityChanged <integer> (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Fires when the scavenge mode intensity level has changed. 1 = highest intensity, decreases as number gets larger.
OnUserDefinedScriptEvent1 to OnUserDefinedScriptEvent4  (only available in L4d2-small.png)
Fires when the functions UserDefinedEvent1() to UserDefinedEvent4() are called in a Vscript.

See Also[edit | edit source]