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Code classes:

info_particle_system is a point entity present in all Source games. It creates and controls a particle system.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Particle System Name (effect_name) <particlesystem>
The name of the particle system to spawn. (Not the name of a PCF file.)
Start Active (start_active) <boolean>
Should the particles emit immediately after spawning in?
Control Point 1 (cpoint1) to Control Point 63 (cpoint63) <target_destination>
An entity which acts as a control point for the particle system. If any value is left blank all those following it will be ignored.
Tip: Control point 0 is the origin of the info_particle_system itself.
Note: Control point entities must exist on the client's end. This means that most invisible entities will not work. info_target is a good entity to use.
Control Point 1's Parent (cpoint1_parent) to Control Point 7's Parent (cpoint7_parent) <integer>
A control point entity which will act as a parent to this one.
Flag as Weather? (flag_as_weather) <boolean> (only available in Tf2.png)
If the particle system is flagged as weather, it will not render for players who have checked the "Disable Weather Effect" option in the advanced settings.
Snapshot File Name (Not in FGD) (snapshot_file) <string> (available in all games since Asw.png)
To do: Description.
Render in Fast Reflections (drawinfastreflection) <boolean> (available in all games since P2.png)
Makes the entity be rendered in reflections from water materials using $reflectonlymarkedentities.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Tells the particle system to begin emitting, if it wasn't already.
Tells the particle system to quit emitting.
StopPlayEndCap  (available in all games since Asw.png)
Tells the particle system to stop emitting and play its "End Cap Effect". To do: Whatever that is needs to be researched. Can't find any info about it on VDC.
DestroyImmediately  (available in all games since Asw.png)
Makes the particle system disappear immediately instead of ending how it normally would.
EnableDrawInFastReflection  (available in all games since P2.png)
Sets Render in Fast Reflections to true.
DisableDrawInFastReflection  (available in all games since P2.png)
Sets Render in Fast Reflections to false.