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Code classes:

CPointEntity is a code class in all Source games.


  • info_landmark - Used by trigger_transition and info_changelevel to figure out where one map is relative to another, so that it can correctly transfer objects between maps. There should be a corresponding landmark entity in the next map positioned in the same "in-world" space. Entities will be transitioned to the next level relative to the info_landmark entities.
  • info_player_logo (only available in Css.pngCsgo-small.pngL4d.pngL4d2-small.png) - Intended to provide the view for background maps, like those in Half-Life 2. Players will see the map from this point when the map is loaded with map_background. Only works in Css.png. Background maps are broken in L4d2-small.pngCsgo-small.png, and L4d.png won't acknowledge the entity at all (but it does load correctly, so L4D could probably use a setup similar to HL2's background maps).
  • info_player_start - Used in Hl2.pngP1.pngGmod icon 1.pngL4d.pngL4d2-small.pngAsw.pngP2.png to define where a player spawns in the map. One is needed for each player in Asw.png. See Category:Player spawn entities for other spawnpoint entities.
  • info_teleport_destination - Deprecated. Used to be needed for trigger_teleport's destination. Use info_target. (Some people do prefer this entity though, just for the fact it has a model for reference purposes.)
  • logic_proximity (Not in FGD) - An entity which was never actually created. Presumably, a point version of trigger_proximity.

Flags (for info_player_start)[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Master - If the map has multiple info_player_starts, the player will always spawn at this one. Valve used this throughout Half-Life 2 in order to avoid wasting time playing through an already-finished part of a map. (For example, d1_trainstation_02 has another spawnpoint right after the "pick up that can" cop.) Does not work in Gmod icon 1.pngP2.png.Tested in: Gmod icon 1.pngP2.png To do: This flag obviously works, but its location in code hasn't been found...