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NextBotCombatCharacter is a code class in multiple Sources games which is used for some bots/NPCs. Data dumps say that this class is very similar to CBaseCombatCharacter, but still completely separate. To do: Test if ai_relationship works with this class.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Relationship (Relationship) <string>
Sets a relationship for this entity, without requiring an ai_relationship entity to be set up.
Format: target_name_or_class disposition priority
Physics Impact Damage Scale (physdamagescale) <float>
Multiplier for damage amount when this entity is hit by a physics object. With a value of 0 the entity will take no damage from physics.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Tells the entity it killed something. Despite the name, this can include a player. This input is automatically sent by the victim when they die. Responses to this input vary by entity (OnKilledNPC function).
physdamagescale <float>
Sets Physics Impact Damage Scale.