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Present in:
P2.pngPortal 2

CNPC_Bullseye is a code class in some Source games.


  • npc_bullseye - A target for NPCs to shoot. Useful for making them shoot at anything which isn't another NPC. See ai_relationship.

Note: Bullseyes must not be directly on the surface of anything that could block LOS. NPCs will not find them unless they're in the air on all sides.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 65536: Not Solid - Makes the bullseye untouchable (bullseyes are a solid box by default). Bullseye can only take damage from area-of-effect attacks if set. QPhysics objects will collide with it.
  • 131072: Take No Damage
  • 262144: Enemy Damage Only - Can only take damage from enemies.
  • 524288: Bleed when damaged
  • 1048576: Perfect Accuracy - NPCs have perfect accuracy when shooting this target. Does not work in P2.png.
  • 2097152: Collide against physics objects (needs Not Solid unchecked)

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Autoaim Radius (autoaimradius) <float>
How much aim can be corrected by for easy and normal difficulty. Seems to ignore this value past a certain amount?
Minimum Angle (minangle) <float>
NPCs must be within this cone around Pitch Yaw Roll before they acknowledge the bullseye exists. They will not navigate to meet this requirement.
Minimum Distance (mindist) <float>
NPCs must be at least this far away from the bullseye before they acknowledge that it exists. They will not navigate to meet this requirement.
Health (health) <integer>
How much health the bullseye has before it "dies".
Always Transmit (alwaystransmit) <boolean> (only available in P2.png)
Always transmit this entity to the client. To do: Why?
Target Size (Not in FGD) (target_size) <int> (only available in P2.png)
No effect.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

InputTargeted (Not in FGD)
Fires the OnTargeted output. Automatically sent by striders who were told to shoot at the bullseye via their SetMinigunTarget input.
InputReleased (Not in FGD)
Fires the OnReleased output. Never sent to this entity by anything, so it's basically useless.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when the InputTargeted input is sent.
Fires when the InputReleased input is sent.