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Present in:
P2.pngPortal 2

Code classes:

npc_enemyfinder_combinecannon is a point entity present in some Source games. This entity finds enemies for a func_tank_combine_cannon to shoot. Its main difference is that it can be told to temporarily widen its fov so that all three guns can shoot a target at once. It also considers players visible even when they're behind hurtable entities, meaning the gun will bore through breakable objects until it reaches the player or finds something unbreakable.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Name of entity to snap to (SnapToEnt) <target_destination>
Puts the enemy finder 8 units above this entity when it spawns.

Inputs[edit | edit source]

SetWideFOVForSeconds <float>
Sets FieldOfView to -0.5 for this many seconds.