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Code classes:

CPathTrack is a code class in all Source games.


  • path_track - When multiple of these are put together, they define a path that other entities can follow.

Tip: If the Name (targetname) and Next Stop Target keyvalues are set, the entity can be dragged while holding Shift to create the next node in the path while automatically updating those two keyvalues.

Tip: path_tracks can be made even more dynamic by changing Next Stop Target with AddOutput, however this may not work depending on what it is that's moving on the path. func_tracktrains will not be affected by the change, but NPCs will.

Flags[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Disabled - Starts disabled. func_tracktrains will not move to this node and will stop at the last enabled node.
  • 2: Fire once - Commented out in code.
  • 4: Branch Reverse - If the entity on this path is a func_tracktrain, it will use Branch Paths when in reverse (and only in reverse).
  • 8: Disable train - When a func_tracktrain passes over this entity, its No User Control flag will get set.
  • 16: Teleport to THIS path track - If the entity on this path is a func_tracktrain or npc_vehicledriver, they will teleport to this track node, as opposed to navigating to it normally. Note: func_tracktrain will automatically teleport to its first path_track.
  • 32: Part of an uphill path (only available in Tf2.png) - Makes the area from this path_track to the next a rollback zone in Payload. If the cart is left alone on this stretch of the track, it will fall back to the start of the rollback zone.
  • 64: Part of a downhill path (only available in Tf2.png) - Makes the area from this path_track to the next a rollforward zone in Payload. If the cart is left alone on this stretch of the track, it will coast forward until it reaches the end of the rollforward zone.
  • 32768: Start on Branch (Not in FGD) - The entity will send path followers to Branch Path by default.

Keyvalues[edit | edit source]

Next Stop Target (target) <target_destination>
The next path_track in the path.
Branch Path (altpath) <target_destination>
An alternative path_track to be the next node in the path. Useful for making branching paths. Must be enabled with EnableAlternatePath.
New Train Speed (speed) <float>
When a func_tracktrain meets this entity, its speed will be set to this. Cannot be higher than Max Speed (startspeed).
Path radius (radius) <float>
Used by npc_helicopter and npc_combinegunship. If the NPC gets this close to the track node, it will be considered to have been passed.
Orientation Type (orientationtype) <choices>
The way that the path follower faces as it moves through this path track.
  • 0: No change
  • 1: Face direction of motion
  • 2: Face this path_track's angles

Inputs[edit | edit source]

Makes the entity send path followers to Branch Path.
Makes the entity send path followers through the regular path again.
Switches the entity between the two path nodes.
Enables this path node.
Disables this path node.
Switches the path node between its enabled and disabled states.
InPass (Not in FGD)
Fires OnPass. Normally the path follower entity sends this to the path node when it reaches that point.
InTeleport (Not in FGD)  (only available in games before Left 4 Dead)
Fires OnTeleport. Normally the path follower entity sends this to the path node when it teleports to it.

Outputs[edit | edit source]

Fires when an entity passes this node.
OnTeleport  (only available in games before Left 4 Dead)
Fires when an entity teleports to this node.